Social Media is Optimizing Healing Healthcare

In her blog “Unleashing the Power of Social Media for Patient Experience,” Liz Boehm shares some inspiring and encouraging examples of how social media is helping patients heal. Whether it’s connecting young adult and adolescent cancer patients at a medical center in the Netherlands, offering a platform in which patients can connect with friends and family members, or creating a way for powerful stories to be shared from patient-to-patient or patient-hospital caregiver, social media is opening doors for the patient experience. When patients feel connected to their family and friends, when caregivers are re-inspired through storytelling about their personal purpose and mission for the healing art of healthcare, and when patients are able to find and express their voice and lived experience, we are seeing social media at its best and how it contributes to optimizing healing healthcare!

Engaging The Patient

Featured Guest Blogger:  Liz Boehm

As someone who grew up on two continents, with friends scattered all over the world, I’m on Facebook daily.  And, yes, I use it occasionally to help me find a new doctor or ask a random medical question.  When I have a good or bad experience – especially in healthcare – I’m likely to rant or rave on Twitter (@LizBoehm for those who care to indulge).  Why should you care?  Because there are millions more like me, and many who are far more engaged than I.  And many of them are patients.

Social media encompasses a rather broad array of resources.  Tools like Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter may be the most famous (infamous?), but blogs, wikis, podcasts, even product reviews all hold a place in the social media pantheon.

You can think of social media as both an amplifier and a filter.  Social media tools…

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John Wenger: It’s not a behavioural problem: it’s the system

Although my studies years ago touched on systems thinking, the more I read, the more I am intrigued about the multitude of ways that systems thinking can make a difference optimizing healing healthcare. When I was first entering the healthcare industry, one of the strangest things to me was the concept of competition between hospitals and healthcare systems that I observed and felt. A hospital or other healthcare organization’s core mission is to optimize the health of the people they are entrusted to serve and the community in which it is located. Therefore, with multiple hospitals located in a region, it would seem to make sense that shared mission and purpose would be a higher and more noble purpose than competition that pits hospitals one against another.

I’ve learned since that hospitals and health systems are collaborating more and more on a variety of shared challenges: decreasing infections, improving patient safety, etc. And, still, there is still competition that could be better directed at improving the health and wellness of communities served.

In my reading and understanding of John Wenger’s blog “It’s not a behavioural problem: it’s the system” I believe he would advise: “What we need if we want organisational transformation, if we want more effective organisations, if we want people to find the work they do meaningful: we need to work with the whole system.”

I completely agree with Anthony Cirillo who wrote in his most recent blog published today: “Healthcare has to heal itself before it can heal others.” It seems to me that systems thinking is critically important in the process of optimizing healing healthcare.

What do you think?

quantum shifting

Don’t ask a systems thinker for advice on managing performance or staff engagement.  They will probably say something pretty fruity and you’ll wind up frustrated by how fervently they trash conventional wisdom on the subject.  Of course performance, engagement, recruitment, they’re all connected, so your systems thinking friend will sound like a fruit loop because they’ll see the whole picture and proceed to suggest that you are asking the wrong questions, when all you wanted to know is “how to get people to do stuff”.  You go to them as a sounding board because there is something you like about the way they think; when you’ve talked previously, they come up with ideas that seem counter-intuitive at first, but are actually surprisingly on the money.  However, when it comes to a sticky situation you are actually dealing with, you don’t want to hear them bang on about the system, the…

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Why Patient Experience Relies on “Practical Wisdom”

In this article by Bruce Temkin, he highlights what Aristotle called “practical wisdom,” which refers to “the combination of moral will and moral skill.” Temkin highlights an example cited by Barry Schwartz in his TED speech “Our Loss of Wisdom” about hospital janitors who cater to patient, family, and visitor needs and believe doing so is as essential to their job as what’s on their job description.

“Practical wisdom” is absolutely critical in the work of optimizing healing healthcare. For a similar example of such an amazing patient/family experience in a hospital made possible by a maintenance man full of “practical wisdom,” see my upcoming blog that will be published the week of December 3rd by Hospital Impact, a blog written by and for hospital executives, physicians and other healthcare thought leaders.

Customer Experience Matters®

I recently watched a video of a TED speech by Barry Schwartz, the author of the seminal book The Paradox of Choice. His TED talk was called Our Loss of Wisdom. Wow! It’s a powerful speech.

Schwartz references what Aritstotle called “practical wisdom,” the combination of moral will and moral skill. He uses anecdotes about janitors at a hospital who alter their prescribed work routines in order to cater to the needs of patients and visitors. His key point is that these janitors believe that human interactions involving kindness, care and empathy are an essential part of their job, even though their job descriptions don’t mention anything about how they should treat other people. According to Schwartz:

These janitors have the moral will to do right by other people. And beyond this, they have the moral skill to figure out what “doing right” means…. A wise person knows when…

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11 Things Patients Can Do Before Leaving Hospital Care

Carolyn Thomas, in her blog “Study: ‘91% discharged from hospital without care plan’,” not only shares the problems she encountered after leaving the 24-hour care of a hospital following her heart attack but also some disturbing, sad, and mind-blowing statistics about the many others who unfortunately share her experience day-in and day-out.

For the sake of optimizing healing healthcare and the patient experience, Thomas concludes her blog with an excellent and thorough list of recommendations for patients so that they are prepared for the transition from hospital to home and are positioned for success in following their plan of care to optimizing their health and well-being.

Heart Sisters

by Carolyn Thomas  @HeartSisters

When I was discharged from hospital following my heart attack, I was wheelchaired down to the front door, patted on the head, and waved off with just a follow-up appointment with a cardiologist in six weeks’ time. I carried home with me my appointment card, a prescription for a fistful of new daily cardiac medications, a one-page photocopy on post-op wound  care, a couple of pamphlets on cardiac rehab and heart-healthy eating, and a Heart and Stroke Foundation booklet called Recovery Road. But nowhere in this small stack of old growth forests was there anything about me.

Me personally.  Me, Carolyn Thomas, the shocked and frightened and overwhelmed heart attack survivor. 

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In the blog “Ashley Furness: The Secret to Ritz-Carlton’s Customer Service Mojo,” Furness outlines a few core elements to Ritz-Carlton’s success revealed by Diana Oreck, VP of the Ritz-Carlton Leadership Training Center, in an interview.

In a future blog of mine, I will highlight the core elements outlined by Oreck when it comes to optimizing healing healthcare and the patient experience.

A special thanks to Bill Quiseng for bringing this blog to my attention!

BILL QUISENG | Deliver the World's Best Customer Experience

Prior to my present position as resort manager for Marriott’s Ko Olina Beach Club, I served as the charter general manager for The Henry – Autograph Collection (Autograph Collection is Marriott International’s exclusive portfolio of independent hotels) when it was reflagged after 21 years as the Ritz-Carlton Dearborn, MI (Ritz-Carlton is  a wholly owned subsidiary of Marriott International). Almost all the associates were former Ritz-Carlton “Ladies and Gentlemen”. Last year The Henry was recognized as one of Marriott International’s Hotels of the Year. I am convinced that while they are now The Henry associates they still would bleed Ritz-Carlton blue.  And if you’ve every stayed in a Ritz-Carlton hotel you know there is something extraordinary about the refined delivery of customer service by its associates. So when fellow customer service blogger Ashley Furness offered to share an interview she conducted with Diana Oreck, vice president of the Ritz-Carlton Leadership Training…

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Patient Experience as “Story,” Not Episode

Rod Butcher’s blog “Is your Customer Experience a Victorian penny dreadful or the greatest story ever told” uses a very creative metaphor to describe what it might be like for customers as they interact with companies.

I particularly enjoy the simplicity of the metaphor and Butcher’s implied definition of customer experience as the total accumulation of all experiences the customer has with a company that “builds and builds over time.”

Butcher’s description of the customer experience makes me think of the definition of patient experience from The Beryl Institute: “The sum of all interactions, shaped by an organization’s culture, that influence patient perceptions, across the continuum of care.”

Too often, companies — and I will shine the light on hospitals and healthcare organizations — still operate as if the customer (patient) experience is a series of isolated episodes and interactions instead of a carefully orchestrated and interwoven tale and story. Butcher invites the reader to be intentional and purposeful — to consider “how each interaction SHOULD add to the customer’s (patient’s) overall perception, and narrative.”

In the end, optimizing healing healthcare is a purposeful, integrated, and macro approach that “writes” an exceptional and healing experience in which the patient FEELS like (and is) the “star” — not a “victim.” And, when this occurs, both author (the healthcare organization) and protagonist (patient) applaud and await the next chapter in the story called “Healing.”

I hope you, too, enjoy Butcher’s blog!

Rod's Round Up

I remember reading a great paper from a few years ago in the Journal of Service Research, called “Service Design for Experience Centric Services” that talks about the

similarities between customer experience and plays, novels and films. The main point being to think about and design customer experience as ‘theatre’, and consider the dramatic flow and progression (the start, middle and end) of the customer journey as interactions occur.

This makes a lot of sense when you think about disciplines like customer journey mapping; the paper says we typically tend to remember the high and low points, and the ending, how you feel at the interaction’s conclusion. I would emphasise the word, ‘feel’ here, because it is our emotional response to customer experiences that will stay long with us after the mechanics – the nuts and bolts – of an interaction are long forgotten.

The sad fact is that doing…

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Moving From Listening to Understanding

In order to optimize healing healthcare, deep listening that leads to understanding is an absolutely critical skill and competency. Recently, I have heard story after story (including some from my mom) of patients warning their nurse or phlebotomist that they are a “hard stick.” What that ultimately means is that the patient may be seeking a smaller needle for a successful blood draw or, in my mom’s case, a draw lower on her arm and closer to her wrist where her veins tend to roll less. More often than not, the response from the clinician is the following or similar, “I will be extra careful; I am very good at this” and the result is predictable — a blown vein, pain, and frustration on the part of the patient who concludes, “I told you so but you didn’t listen!”

The patient experience is founded in trust and a sense of partnership between caregiver and the one who entrusts him or herself into another’s care. Failing to incorporate the patient’s experience and overriding their input, suggestions, and caveats increases anxiety, diminishes trust, calls respect into question, and is felt as dismissive and even paternalistic — qualities and realities that fly in the face of optimizing healing healthcare.

In this blog by Robert Whipple, he offers some practical steps that anyone — including nurses, phlebotomists, and anyone caring for others — can use to hear, listen and move toward understanding.

We have all experienced the phenomenon where we have tried to explain something to an individual who appears to be paying full attention. The individual was alert and nodded many times giving the impression of understanding. Later on we found that the individual internalized almost none of the information we were trying to convey. This article explains why this happens and offers some antidotes.

To internalize a message, one must not only pay attention, but the information must sink into the brain enough for recall and action. Listening can be happening even though there is little comprehension. A typical example of this occurs when dealing with two people who have different primary languages.

I noticed this phenomenon often when working with technical people in Asia. They were able to understand English, so we used that for communication. They would nod and give verbal cues (like “uh huh”) when I talked…

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Tuscon Medical Center’s graphic depiction of their four key values is compelling, visually-stimulating, and engaging! Although their values are not novel, their presentation as a color graphic is! Great job TMC!

Tucson Medical Center

Joe Tye, CEO of Values Coach, Inc., works with hospitals and other organizations around the country to guide them through the process of defining their values.   With his help, groups of employees defined four key values for Tucson Medical Center: Compassion, Dedication, Community and Integrity.

Lately, Tye has started profiling some of his client organizations, featuring success stories.  His work at TMC is the subject of his Sept. 5 column:

Client Spotlight: Making Values Beautiful at Tucson Medical Center

Several years ago I helped Judy Rich, President and CEO of Tucson Medical Center, and her team revise the TMC statement of values. At the time, while there was clearly a deeply-held intuitive sense of values in the organization, almost no one could say what the stated core values were, much less define the expectations they created.

Through a process that engaged hundreds of employees and other stakeholders in the…

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Policy Interns

If anyone ever doubted that elections have consequences, one only has to be reminded of what John Boehner said last week. “Obamacare is the law of the land,” the House Speaker told ABC News anchor Diane Sawyer, indicating that the Republican caucus will not attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

With the law’s future so uncertain until President Obama’s re-election on Tuesday, states are now left scrambling to meet key deadlines. By the end of the week states must decide whether or not to create their own insurance exchange (an online marketplace from which individuals and small businesses must purchase coverage) or leave its implementation to the federal government. States may also elect to participate in a partnership exchange with the government. So far 13 states have decided to establish state run exchanges, but only two states, Massachusetts and Utah, currently have a functional exchange.

In light of this reality…

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Just this afternoon, my mom and I were at a hospital for an appointment. She needed to stop and catch her breath for a moment, holding on to a railing while she did so. A maintenance man coming towards us immediately asked, “Would you like a wheelchair?”

Like this blog, customer service can’t be about THEM until it’s about YOU. In other words, this maintenance man made a decision and choice that “he is the patient experience” as much as anyone — a nurse, physician, pharmacist, social worker, etc. His attentiveness, awareness, compassion, and proactive anticipation of my mom’s potential needs were very impressive! He was certainly not confined to his “job description” box but was living and working as a “healer” — responding to body, mind, spirit and emotions! He left us feeling cared for and about — that anyone in the hospital will care for us in our time of need! That is very reassuring and is a hallmark of an optimal healing environment for sure!

Blanchard LeaderChat

There’s a common misconception that customer service is all about the customer. Surprise—it’s not necessarily so. Service is definitely for the customer—internal or external—but it’s about you, the service provider.

“What?” you may be asking. “No, it’s about my client.” True … kinda. But it can’t be about them until it’s about you.

The service experience begins and ends with you. That experience is primarily within your control. You get to decide the kind of experience you want it to be. It’s your vision, values, and behavior that drive the service experience.

A case in point

Many years ago, on February 14, I was flying from Chicago back home to San Francisco. I remember the day not only because it was Valentine’s Day, but because I had a reason to be excited that it was Valentine’s Day. (HA!—a rare occasion at that time in my life.)

I arrived at…

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