3 Ways to Create a Service Mindset in Your Organization—and how one person can make a difference!

As Bob Farrell, founder of Farrell’s Ice Cream Parlour and Restaurant, said in his well-known and excellent Customer Service video “Give ‘Em The Pickle”: “How you think about the customer is how you will treat them.” With this in mind, “3 Ways to Create a Service Mindset in Your Organization—and how one person can make a difference!” by Kathy Cuff is an important article because mindset (and heart-set, for that matter) matters! Mindset is a key differentiator and one of the primary reasons that one team member goes above and beyond, expresses empathy and compassion, finds joy and meaning in what they do for your organization, etc. and why the team member standing right next to them may not.

Blanchard LeaderChat

bigstock-Closeup-of-a-young-shop-assist-18298034Customer Service—it is found in every industry, every company, every person’s job, at every moment. If you don’t deal directly with the external customer, you interact with and serve your internal customers throughout the day. What I love the most is when people get it—when they take pride and ownership in what they do, and they do it with a smile. Let me share my latest experience with you.

I recently moved—only a few streets away, but a move nonetheless with all the hassle, packing, and work that goes with it. Well, being the “just in time” gal that I am, I didn’t turn in our change of address form to the U.S. Postal Service until the day after we moved, so our mail was delayed getting to us.

About a week or so after our move, I realized we had not received a very important piece of mail—my husband’s…

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When Technology is Humanizing: Reprise

Experience Innovation Network

Through many years of working with healthcare companies on technology and service decision making, I routinely run into an either/or mentality around technology and human interaction.  A transaction is either automated or assisted.  An interaction is either technical (i.e. cold, inhuman) or connected (i.e. touchy-feely).  This belief is hugely limiting – human connection can greatly extend the impact of a technology-based solution, and technology can be a powerful tool to mitigate the limitations of human interaction.

Let me be clear – technology can’t replace the warmth of a human touch or the reassuring empathy of a kind voice.  But human-to-human interactions have limitations – of time, space, duration, and even perceived connection – that technology can help offset.  Here are a few of my favorite examples:

Tech to remove limits of distance.  My best friend lives in Paris.  When we Skype it’s not quite as good as being there…

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