Problems associated with meditation

Research on Meditation & Mindfulness

Lomas, T., et al. (2014). A Qualitative Analysis of Experiential Challenges Associated with Meditation Practice. Mindfulness, 1-13. Full text.

Abstract. Although empirical interest in meditation has flourished in recent years, few studies have addressed possible downsides of meditation practice, particularly in community populations. In-depth interviews were conducted with 30 male meditators in London, UK, recruited using principles of maximum variation sampling, and analysed using a modified constant comparison approach.

Having originally set out simply to inquire about the impact of various meditation practices (including but not limited to mindfulness) on men’s wellbeing, we uncovered psychological challenges associated with its practice. While meditation was generally reported to be conducive to wellbeing, substantial difficulties accounted for approximately one quarter of the interview data. Our paper focuses specifically on these issues in order to alert health professionals to potential challenges associated with meditation.

Four main problems of increasing severity were uncovered: Meditation was a…

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To reduce length of stay, focus on patient experience

Virginia Mason Medical Center Blog

 “When you set out to design the optimal stay for patients with pneumonia or hip fracture, for example, you take out huge wait states that patients experience and you embed quality within the process.”

— Robbi Bishop

There is a misperception by some in health care that the lean management approach is applicable to administrative but not clinical or diagnostic issues. In fact, significant progress is possible in a wide variety of clinical value streams, and teams at Virginia Mason have demonstrated meaningful gains during the past year or so.

Teams have demonstrated that when the Virginia Mason Production System (VMPS) is applied to clinical value streams, significant reductions in length of stay – from 10 to 25 percent – are achievable.

Robbi Bishop Robbi Bishop

“As we looked at length of stay before 2013, we typically looked at specific cycles of work – for example, the admission process, delirium screening…

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Novel intervention reduces work-related stress

Research on Meditation & Mindfulness

Grégoire, S., & Lachance, L. (2014). Evaluation of a Brief Mindfulness-Based Intervention to Reduce Psychological Distress in the Workplace. Mindfulness, 1-12.

From the Abstract. Employees of a call center working for a financial institution took part in a brief mindfulness-based intervention (MBI). Each day, during five consecutive weeks, they listened to two short guided meditation sessions using a headset at their workstation (10 min in the morning and 5 min after lunch). A pretest-post-test switching-replication design was used to assess changes in mindfulness, psychological distress, and client satisfaction over the course of the intervention.

The results showed that mindfulness increased while psychological distress (stress, anxiety/depression, fatigue, and negative affect) decreased for all employees throughout the intervention, especially among those with low mindfulness scores at baseline. The satisfaction level of the employees’ internal clients significantly increased over time, although the effect size was small.

This article contributes to the field…

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The Only Teacher is Self-Awareness

Relationship between mindfulness and well-being

Research on Meditation & Mindfulness

Chang, J. H., Huang, C. L., & Lin, Y. C. (2014). Mindfulness, Basic Psychological Needs Fulfillment, and Well-Being. Journal of Happiness Studies, 1-14.

From the Abstract. The positive relationship between mindfulness and well-being has been demonstrated to a great extent in prior studies; however, the underlying psychological mechanism relating mindfulness to well-being is not fully understood. Based on determination theory, this article proposed the basic psychological needs fulfillment (i.e., autonomy, relatedness, and competence) as the key mechanisms that account for the relationship between mindfulness and well-being.

The results of our two studies revealed that mindfulness, basic psychological needs fulfillment, hedonic (Study 1) and eudaimonic well-being (Study 2) are correlated with each other. In addition, the positive relationships between mindfulness and both hedonic (Study 1) and eudaimonic well-being (Study 2) can be mediated via basic psychological needs fulfillment. The implications of these findings are discussed.

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Managers Can Motivate Employees with One Word

Creating Unit-Based Leadership Teams to Drive Empowerment and Engagement

Experience Innovation Network

Liz Boehm, Director, Experience Innovation Network Liz Boehm, Director, Experience Innovation Network

In late July, 60 members of the Experience Innovation Network (EIN) met at University of Chicago Medicine’s Center for Care and Discovery to share best practices and define that tools and materials that support unit-based leadership approaches.

Unit-based leadership models are emerging as an effective approach to driving alignment across often siloed improvement initiatives (process, quality/safety, and experience improvement).  Equally important, unit-based leadership models harness the skills and influence of physicians as improvement partners, engaging them in supporting improvement initiatives that have traditionally fallen largely to nursing and aligning efforts across nursing, physicians, and operational teams.  Also called dyad or triad leadership approaches, unit-based leadership drives ownership and accountability across all levels of the organization.  As a result, physicians, staff, and leaders alike are more engaged in supporting continuous improvement.

Unit based leader council

But building an inclusive governance model that aligns strategy and creates consistency from the…

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The Value of Customer Experience, Quantified